II.About what is in the Torrent Pack:
1. Contine toate jocurile aparute din colectia "The Sims 3" pana la data de 10 Martie 2013, si anume :
• The Sims 3 - Jocul de baza(Base Game).
• The Sims 3 World Adventures(primul Addon).
• The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff(primul Stuff Pack).
• The Sims 3 Ambitions(al 2-lea Addon).
• The Sims 3 Fast Lane Stuff(al 2-lea Stuff Pack).
• The Sims 3 Late Night(al 3-lea Addon).
• The Sims 3 Outdoor Living Stuff(al 3-lea Stuff Pack).
• The Sims 3 Generations(al 4-lea Addon).
• The Sims 3 Townlife Stuff(al 4-lea Stuff Pack).
• The Sims 3 Pets(al 5-lea Addon).
• The Sims 3 Master Suite Stuff(al 5-lea Stuff Pack).
• The Sims 3 Showtime(al 6-lea Addon).
• The Sims 3 Katy Perrys Sweet Treats Stuff(al 6-lea Stuff Pack).
• The Sims 3 Diesel Stuff(al 7-lea Stuff Pack).
• The Sims 3 Supernatural(al 7-lea Addon).
• The Sims 3 Seasons(al 8-lea Addon).
• The Sims 3 The Sims 3 70s, 80s, 90s(al 8-lea Stuff Pack).
• The Sims 3 University(al 9-lea Addon).
2. Crack-ul necesar jucarii ultimei versiuni a jocului The Sims 3(Crack-ul este compatibil cu toate celelalte Addon-uri/Stuff Pack-uri in cazul in care se utilizeaza corect tutorialul realizat de mine).
3. Update-urile necesare ducerii intregii colectii "The Sims 3" la versiunea cea mai noua(inclusiv Addon-uri/Stuff Pack-uri).
4. Official Store Items-urile incepand cu 2009 si pana la 8 Martie 2013.
5. "Tools" - face referire la : Create a Pattern/World - ultimele versiuni.
6. "Keygens" - pentru fiecare varianta de joc, fie ea Base Game/Addon/Stuff Pack.
NOTA : Mentionez ca imaginile jocurilor nu contin "Crack-urile" si/sau Keygen-urile, ele fiind sterse din imagine. Acestea se gasesc in folderele : "Keygens" si "Final Crack".
III. Steps that you must follow for easy instalation:
1. Install The Sims 3 folosind Keygen-ul dupa care se face update cu : 1.22.9 Cummulative Patch.
2. Install The Sims 3 World Adventures folosind Keygen-ul dupa care se face update cu : 2.17.2 Cummulative Patch.
3. Install The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff folosind Keygen-ul dupa care se face update cu : 3.13.1 Cummulative Patch.
4. Install The Sims 3 Ambitions folosind Keygen-ul dupa care se face update cu : 4.10.1 Cummulative Patch.
5. Install The Sims 3 Fast Lane Stuff folosind Keygen-ul dupa care se face update cu : 5.8.1 Cummulative Patch.
6. Install The Sims 3 Late Night folosind Keygen-ul dupa care se face update cu : 6.5.1 Cummulative Patch.
7. Install The Sims 3 Outdoor Living Stuff folosind Keygen-ul dupa care se face update cu : 7.3.2 Cummulative Patch.
8. Install The Sims 3 Generations folosind Keygen-ul. (No Patch needed for this one).
9. Install The Sims 3 Townlife Stuff folosind Keygen-ul. (This will update the Base Game to version 1.23.65).
10. Install The Sims 3 Pets folosind Keygen-ul. (This will update the Base Game to version 1.26.89).
11. Install The Sims 3 Master Suite Stuff folosind Keygen-ul. (This will update the Base Game to version 1.28.84).
12. Install The Sims 3 Showtime folosind Keygen-ul. ( This will update the Base Game to version 1.31.11.
13. Install The Sims 3 Katy Perrys Sweet Treats folosind Keygen-ul. (This will update the Base Game to version 1.33.2).
14. Install The Sims 3 Diesel Stuff folosind Keygen-ul. (This will update the Base Game to version 1.34.27).
15. Install The Sims 3 Supernatural folosind Keygen-ul. (This will update the Base Game to version 1.36.45).
16. Install The Sims 3 Seasons folosind Keygen-ul. (This will update the Base Game to 1.42.130).
17. Install The Sims 3 The Sims 3 70s, 80s, 90s Stuff folosind Keygen-ul. (This will update the Base Game to 1.47.6).
18. Install The Sims 3 University. Possible to ask for an update, make it.
19. Install Last Update - Cummulative Update - from :http://akamai.cdn.ea.com/eadownloads/u/f/sims/sims3/patches/TS3_1.50.56.0210xx_update.exe
20. Copy New Crack (Crack-ul pentru 1.50.56) to : C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin - You can download it from :http://www.mediafire.com/?y44m8og53243ljq - Extract from archive, and use only what it`s inside Crack Folder - copy-paste!
21. EnjoY!
Download Link will be updated soon so stay tuned
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